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    How to Solve Windows Error Code 0xc000000e in Windows 10 11

    If the connections are OK, you will need to take some deep measures to make your computer boot from the operating system successfully. Navigate the oficial site screen with your keyboard’s arrow keys to find the default option of the BIOS setup. Click on this option once you find it and press the “Enter” key to begin the BIOS reset or configuration. When the installation is found for Windows, go to your keyboard and press the letter “Y”. This will enable it to boot from the list and consequently rebuild your system’s BCD. Once your computer is booting from the bootable medium you have created, choose the “Next” button you see at the bottom right of the screen.

    • Windows has a CHKDSK utility that helps in fixing the logical file system and bad sectors that are causing disk errors.
    • If MBR is damaged, then you won’t be able to boot into Windows.
    • The full name of BCD is Boot Configuration Data.

    FREE Windows backup software to protect personal data. Welcome to Help Desk Geek- a blog full of tech tips from trusted tech experts. We have thousands of articles and guides to help you troubleshoot any issue. Our articles have been read over 150 million times since we launched in 2008. On the Advanced options page, select Startup Repair.

    What Happens If My C Drive Is Full?

    Nonetheless, it might need hours for the “Scanning and repairing drive” to finish if the drive is in poor condition. Use the Up/Down button to choose the bootable USB drive or system repair/installation disc and hit Enter. Undeniably, the Windows disk errors are quite a common thing.

    But I could be wrong because I have no idea what I’m talking about. If the problem is the driver, which it may or may not be, there are two updated Intel chipset drivers for this device, Skylake and KabyLake. Don’t know which one is the right one, if it is a driver problem.

    Common CHKDSK switches

    Start by looking at the Windows logs to get more detail. Open Windows Event Logs/System and locate the WHEA Logger errors. The event ID might be 17, 18, 19 etc or any other number. We can’t guarantee quick solutions – Experts Exchange isn’t a help desk. We’re a community of IT professionals committed to sharing knowledge.

    If they are not listed we cannot clean the download path. Windows Repair can reset all the Windows Update settings saving you a lot of work. Follow the prompts and automatically repair any problems.


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